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Removal of cellulite and fat deposits, body contouring

Removal of cellulite and fat deposits, change of body shape
If you only need more perfect body shapes – we offer safe body modeling services with the most effective equipment, combining even 5 the most advanced body modeling and cellulite removal technologies and after 2 weeks your “orange peel” skin surface, body fat deposits and stretch marks will be significantly reduced, buttocks raised and color of the skin will become healthy and radiant. These technologies ensure an impressive and long-lasting result by treating all stages (even up to 5 cm!) of cellulite-affected tissues. You will need a diet plan and more physical activity to stay in shape. We will teach you to exercise correctly and safely.

Realizing that in the current times of constant rush and anxiety, that the time for yourself is invaluable, we offer effective and quickly reduce the surface of the “orange peel” skin, body fat deposits, discolored skin in less than 2 weeks !!!

Only in our clinic we provide services with a unique Lumicell Wave 6 device, the effectiveness of which has been evaluated by many beauty treatment specialists and clients around the world. You can learn more about Lumcell Wave 6 technology HERE.

After the first procedure, the change will be visible, and after a few – you will enjoy the obvious changes, because:
→ The “orange peel” changes significantly!
→ Tightened skin!
→ Buttocks raised!
→ Swelling of the legs will be reduced!
→ Fat build-up (eg in the inner thighs)!
→ Significant reduction of stretch marks or other skin changes!
→ The feeling of heavy feet will disappear!

Lumicell Wave 6 is the only cosmetology device that combines the 5 most advanced body modeling and cellulite reduction technologies. Thanks to these technologies, cellulite-affected tissues of all stages (even up to 5 cm!) are exposed, which ensures an impressive and long-lasting result.
Special technology developed by Canadian specialists guarantees safe and frequent procedures for each client, according to their needs. The safety and effectiveness of this equipment is certified by the FDA of the US Food and Drug Administration and the CSA of the Canadian Standards Association.
To maintain the long-term effects of the procedures performed on the Lumicell Wave 6, the nutrition and physiotherapy experts at our clinic will create an individual follow-up program of physical activity and nutrition.

When ordering Lumicell Wave 6 procedures, we will give you a personal consultation with a nutritionist and a one-time visit to a body strengthening session. You can call phone No. +370 (615) 33345 or by e-mail info@tapksveikas.lt.

Lumicell Wave 6 device

Lumicell Wave 6 is the only cosmetology device that combines the 5 most advanced body modeling and cellulite reduction technologies. Thanks to these technologies, cellulite-affected tissues of all stages (even up to 5 cm!) are exposed, which ensures an impressive and long-lasting result.

Few aesthetic beauty machines in the world boast of being certified by the US FDA and Canadian CSA agencies. The certificates issued by these agencies are considered to be the guarantors of the highest efficiency and safety in the world and become a confirmation of prestige and reputation. Lumicell Wave 6 has repeatedly won top awards in the US for Professional’s Choice AWARDS for Best Body Modeling Equipment. More information about the manufacturer can be found here.

The exclusive technologies of this device allow you to quickly and clearly achieve the desired changes in the body.


Vacuum pulsed lymphatic drainage massage.
Infrared rays.
Bipolar radiofrequency.
Ultrasonic cavitation.
Non-injection mesotherapy (electroporation).

Step 1. Preparation of problem areas of the body before the removal of fat cells. The skin is exposed to infrared rays and a pulsed vacuum massage. Infrared rays warm the skin and nearby tissues up to 40 degrees and thus softens the subcutaneous fat layer. Vacuum massage activates blood circulation, lymph flow and improves metabolism. Thus, the connective tissue of this area of ​​the body is prepared for the release of fat cells. The effect is enhanced by professional massage oil, saturated with moisturizing and antioxidant substances. Vacuum massage improves blood circulation in tissues, softens fatty micro-nodules, scaly areas and acts on the “orange peel”.

Step 2. Ultrasonic fat dissolution (cavitation). Stable and strong ultrasonic vibration reaches a depth of up to 5 cm of fatty tissue. Vibration of 1 MHz frequency and 30W intensity softens and breaks down adipocytes. The permeability of the vibrating increased cell membrane and the liquefied fat are removed from the cells into the intercellular medium without compromising the clear integrity of the cell (adipocyte). Liquefied fat enters the circulatory system without overloading the liver. Cavitation not only dissolves fat, tightens the skin, but also gives the skin softness and a feeling of silky skin.

Step 3. Bipolar (two-electrode) 450 KHz radio frequency smoothest and tightens the skin. The main proteins in the skin (collagen and elastin) absorb the electrical impulses emitted by radio waves. Collagen and elastin fibers (fibrils) are curled and shortened when exposed to radio frequency. This makes the skin stronger, firmer, and stimulates natural collagen production.

Step 4. Non-injection mesotherapy (electroporation). Positive and negative electrodes in the deep layers of the skin, as well as electromagnetic impulses, biologically active substances that help dissolve fat.

More than 90% of women over the age of 20 have a higher or lower degree of cellulite. Lumicell Wave 6 allows you to slow down the development of cellulite, reduce it or even quite well. All the technologies of the devices are safe and harmless, so it is possible to remove cellulite, at least replace the accumulations both in the whole body and in individual areas (inner side of the thighs, back of the hands).

In addition to reducing cellulite and body volume with this device:

-tightening and “lifting” the skin (skin lifting);
-reduction of stretch marks and other skin defects;
-buttocks raised;
-improved blood circulation and lymph flow;
-reduces leg swelling;
-restoring body shape after plastic surgery;
-reduces or eliminates the feeling of “heavy feet”.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are Lumicell Wave 6 treatments for? If you have areas of the body where you cannot reduce unwanted fat deposits or eliminate them during exercise, following a diet, do not rush to register for plastic surgery – try this procedure, it is for you.

For which areas of the body can Lumicell Wave 6 procedures be performed? The procedures with the Lumicell Wave 6 are completely safe and designed for your entire body: abdomen, back, sides, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, hands.

How many procedures need to be performed to achieve a clearly visible result? The change will be visible after the first procedure. An even more effective result is achieved after 3-4 procedures. Our specialists will offer the most effective and best program to achieve your desired result.

How long does the procedure take? The procedure usually takes 50 to 120 minutes.

What sensations are felt during the procedures? The heat is felt during the procedure, the sensors of different technologies glide pleasantly on the surface of the skin. When performing a vacuum massage in particularly sensitive areas of the body, such as :. inner thighs, feeling of skin suction, slight tingling. The intensity of all technologies can be adjusted.

How will I look and feel after the procedure? You will not feel any discomfort after the procedure, unless you feel heat and reddening of the skin in the affected areas.

How long will the results last? You will see the results after the first procedure. In order to maintain the achieved result, our specialists will recommend which physical activity will be most suitable for you and what procedures would be needed in addition.

Are there any side effects? No side effects have been identified unless Lumicell Wave 6 procedures are not recommended.

How often can I perform procedures? 2 to 3 Lumicell Wave 6 treatments per week are usually recommended.

When is Lumicell Wave 6 not recommended? Vacuum massage is not used in patients with vascular diseases (deep vein thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins), oncological diseases, AIDS; during pregnancy, breastfeeding; having uncontrolled high blood pressure, wounds, other skin injuries, and inflammation of the skin and joints. Ultrasound, radiofrequency, and electroporation are not possible with a pacemaker, during pregnancy and lactation, with Addison’s disease, or with kidney stones, gallbladder; with uncontrolled high blood pressure, abdominal massage is not recommended during menstruation. Neurological or other diseases that can be provoked by heat (herpes virus); in autoimmune diseases of the skin. After the caesarean section, the procedures can be performed a month later and in consultation with your doctor. It is recommended to perform the procedures at least 2 months after other operations. If in doubt, we always recommend advising to consult your doctor. Lumicell Wave 6 procedures are contraindicated if you have silicone implants or have had beauty injections.

Gabija Jaraminaitė - Aktorė

Aš jau po pirmų kartų pastebėjau, kad oda tapo lygesnė, švelnesnė, stangresnė.

Aš jau po pirmų kartų pastebėjau, kad oda tapo lygesnė, švelnesnė, stangresnė. Kas man yra tikrai labai svarbu. Ir aš maniau, kad šitos procedūros yra skausmingos. O iš tiesų, jos yra labai malonios. Aš net nesupratau, kad su aparatu tai daro. Toks jausmas, kad švelniai prisiliečia rankomis. Tai man tas buvo labai malonus dalykas. Na, ir be abejo, artėjant vasarai sumažėja apelsino žievelės efektas. Tas yra tikrai veiksminga, ir pasimato jau po kelių kartų. Tai aš labai norėčiau pati tokį aparatą turėti namie, bet gerai, kad žinau vietą kur ateiti.


Asta Pilypaitė - Dainininkė

Čia iš tikrųjų nuostabūs ir geri specialistai ir sveikatai ir grožiui. O svarbiausia čia jaučiuosi kaip namuose.

Aš labai džiaugiuosi atradusi kliniką tapksveikas. Kurioje yra toks stebuklingas aparačiukas, kuris dailina, gražina. Iš tikrųjų net po keletos procedūrų jau probleminėse vietose sumažėjo riebaliukų sankaupos. Čia po karantino. Kas dar labai patinka, kad šį masažą galima daryti ir stipriau, ir lengviau. Man patinka stipriaus. Netgi nugaros masažą padarius jaučiasi lygtai būtų visos įtampos atsikabinusios. Bet pats svarbiausias dalykas. Mes turime kiekviena savo kažkokių vietelių, kurias labai norime pakoreguoti. Tai žąstų sritis. Susitvarkė labai greitai, jau po keletos procedūrų. Jeigu galima taip pasakyti: pakilo, sustangrėjo, lygesnė oda pasidarė. Tai čia man didžiulis džiaugsmas. Na ir žinoma kojos, tai labai greitai pasijunta, man ypatingai vidinė šlaunų pusė. Lygiai taip pat kaip ir žąsto ir stangrėja ir riebalų sankaupėlės mažėja. Tai va tokia mano patirtis. Pilvukas, jeigu dar pasportavus pasidarytų labai labai gražus. Aš labai džiaugiuosi atradusi kliniką tapksveikas. Čia iš tikrųjų nuostabūs ir geri specialistai ir sveikatai ir grožiui. O svarbiausia čia jaučiuosi kaip namuose.

Body aesthetics

  • Introductory 20 min. consultation and selected 40 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6
  • 50 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6
  • 50 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6 price, purchasing 3 times subscription for 165 €
  • 50 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6 price, purchasing 5 times subscription for 250 €
  • 90 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6
  • 90 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6 price, purchasing 3 times subscription for 200 €
  • 90 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6 price, purchasing 5 times subscription for 320 €
  • 120 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6
  • 120 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6 price, purchasing 3 times subscription for 240 €
  • 120 min. procedure Lumicell Wave 6 price, purchasing 5 times subscription for 375 €
  • Body composition analysis 10 €


  • Classic (50 min)
  • Individual (50 min)
  • Lymphatic drainage (50 min)
  • YUMEIHO therapy
  • Same day consultation

    If it is urgent - please contact us! We provide same day consultation service.
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday
      8.00 - 20.00
    • Saturday
      9.00 - 18.00
    • Sunday
      9.00 - 15.00

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