  • Skambinkite | Call Us | Позвоните | Zadzwoń
    +370 615 33345
  • Atvykite | Visit Us | Заходите | Wchodź
    Trinapolio g. 3-1010, Vilnius

Rehabilitation after injuries and fractures - up to 50% faster!

Rehabilitation after injuries, fractures, surgeries, or sprains takes months. Our team reduces the normal recovery time to 50%. We achieve this result by using the knowledge accumulated over many years of science and practice and the most effective physiotherapy equipment in the world at present for pain relief, muscle recovery, and rehabilitation after injuries.

In the US and the EU, this equipment has been used for many years, e.g. NBA basketball teams can’t imagine a day without the use of a K-Laser laser as it has become commonplace. After stretching or hitting various parts of the body, the first helpers are a cold compress during the competition, and after that – a K-Laser 4-8min laser procedure is performed by a team physiotherapist. Laser procedures are started immediately after the operation when the bleeding stops. Each day spent with a splint requires seven days of rehabilitation to restore muscle tone. That is why every day is important for athletes, we apply a more intensive rehabilitation program to them. After an injury such as a fracture of the leg or a lack of ligaments affects not only the muscles but also the bones, tendons, and joints. Their rehabilitation would be even longer if not for innovative equipment. We apply an individual program of rehabilitation measures to each case. By putting you “on your feet” faster, we will extend the rehabilitation course in the physiotherapy hall.

Katharina Fink – Italian Badminton Team Player

After twisting my ankle badly at a sport event in Latvia, I was worried whether or not I could play my next tournament in Lithuania, just 4 days after my injury.

Edita welcomed me in her praxis the first day we arrived in Vilnius and with her special treatment that I was recovering fast and comfortably with.

Thanks to her I could attend to the tournament and even win it, with no pain felt.

Very happy about my stay and having met Edita and her team, who were kind enough to treat me. Moreover was she open to a flexible schedule and offered coffee, tape and even cold pack to cool my injury in the hotel.

Gediminas Grinius

Prisibėgiojau – reikėjo atlikti kelio sąnario artroskopinę operaciją. Ją atliko puikiai žinomas traumatologas, bet reabilitacija ilga ir jau nespėjau varžyboms. Pagreitinti reabilitaciją daktaras parekomendavo papildomą fizioterapijos kursą tapksveikas klinikoje.  Ten gavau lazerio, funkcinės magneto stimuliacijos procedūras. Sumažėjo tinimas, įdarbino šlaunies raumenis,  kelią pateipuodavo. Sudarė man tinkamiausią pratimų, kuriuos galiu atlikti ir savarankiškai, programą.
Jaučiuosi sustiprėjęs ir pradedu vėl saugiai bėgioti.



  • Laser therapy (up to 30 min)
  • Ultrasound procedure (up to 15 min)
  • Functional magnetic stimulation FMS (up to 20 min)
  • Treatment of urinary incontinence FMS (up to 20 min)
  • Radiofrequency therapy (up to 20min)
  • Body composition analysis (up to 20 min)
  • Bioptron polarized light (up to 15 min)
  • Impulse current therapy TENS (up to 20 min)
  • Functional electrical stimulation FES (up to 20 min)
  • Kinesio taping (up to 30 min)
  • After purchasing 3-5 time service subscriptions, you will be given a 5% discount, 6-10 times - 10%.


  • Same day consultation

    If it is urgent - please contact us! We provide same day consultation service.
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday
      8.00 - 20.00
    • Saturday
      9.00 - 18.00
    • Sunday
      9.00 - 15.00

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